Have you recently inquired about having Liposuction of certain problem areas of fat you just cannot seem to get rid of?
Be prepared for your consultation with these tips from Dr. Shienbaum at Brandon Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL.
During your first consultation make sure to discuss your surgical goals, how you expect to look; is it a realistic expectation? Will the type of Liposuction you have require any medical clearance if you have certain types of medical conditions? What kind of drugs are involved and do you have any allergies, if so what does the surgeon recommend instead? If you are currently taking any supplements, vitamins, diet pills, etc. (even over the counter) be sure to ask if you can continue to take them before your surgery. If you have had any previous surgeries (even unrelated to cosmetic) tell your surgeon. Be as upfront with your surgeon, so they may give you the best evaluation and expectations possible.
You should expect your Liposuction plastic surgeon to evaluate you on your overall general health. They should inquire and ask if you have any pre-existing health conditions or any risk factors. The surgeon will most likely take photographs and discuss which type of Liposuction will benefit you and give you your desired expectation. Depending on the type of Liposuction what is their recommended course of treatment. Do they require any follow up appointments, or to purchase any equipment to ease your recovery.
Finally, your surgeon and you should discuss ANY potential outcomes for Liposuction surgery and any complications that can arise from type of Liposuction.
It is recommended to write a list of questions down to ask your surgeon so that you have a full understanding of all aspects of Liposuction surgery. Naturally you will feel anxious whether you are excited and anticipating your new look, stress is normal with this type of surgery, but the more questions and better understanding you have going into it, can help you achieve your best result and can help you choose the right Plastic Surgeon for you. If you would like to book a consultation with Dr. Marvin Shienbaum in a no stress environment to learn about all of the problem areas that can get addressed with liposuction along with other cosmetic surgery procedures we encourage you to call today: (813) 681-5709