Liposuction Surgeon in Tampa – Dr. Shienbaum
Liposuction Tampa

29 y/o Tampa Liposuction with Vaser ultrasonic sculpting of torso.
What can expert Liposuction achieve?

35 y/o Brandon Liposuction with Brazilian Butt Lift enhancement.
Liposuction or Body Contouring?
Do you want Liposuction or Body Contouring? Liposuction used to be only the removal of selected areas of stubborn fat deposits. No more! Today liposuction is only one of Dr. Shienbaum’s techniques to achieve remarkable results in body contouring. With over 30 years’ experience in the Tampa Bay area, Dr. Shienbaum meticulously sculpts fat to highlight natural muscle and body contours. The result is a sexy muscular hourglass silhouette.

31 y/o South Tampa Liposuction with sculpting of waist thighs hips and flanks.
Dr. Shienbaum believes the feminine body needs enticing curves – not flat unattractive liposuctioned planes. He avoids discarding any liposuctioned fat. Instead this “essential” fat is carefully purified to reshape and rejuvenate the body’s natural contours. At his Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery practice fat is routinely used to elevate and enhance droopy flat butts Brazilian Butt Lift, fill hollowed out faces and add cleavage and fullness to breasts Natural Breast Augmentation.

28 y/o Riverview FL Liposuction sculpture with Vaser ultrasonic technique for circumferential contouring.
Dr. Shienbaum regularly uses microdroplets of fat to enhance cheekbones, fill aging hollow eyes restore sunken temples, smooth nasal irregularities correct facial asymmetries, augment chins and highlight eyebrows. At Brandon Plastic Surgery fat is used on almost a daily basis to correct cellulite dimples, scar depressions, and deformities from over aggressive liposuction. Body Sculpting requires an artistic eye and an aesthetic sense. The quality and consistency of these results are quite evident in Dr. Shienbaum’s before and after liposuction photos.

41 y/o Tampa Bay Lipo with Brazilian Butt Lift.
How do I select my Plastic Surgeon?
Experience and safety, and should always be your primary criteria. Knowing the credentials and training of your Plastic Surgeon is paramount. Board certification in plastic surgery is essential. Has your surgeon been granted hospital privileges to perform Liposuction procedures? Ask to see your physician’s personal before and after liposuction photos. Check out your surgeons experience and individual long-term results. Regardless of the technique chosen, it is the ultimately the competency and expertise of your Plastic Surgeon that determines the quality of your result.

31 y/o Lakeland Liposuction of thighs hips waist and flanks.
Dr. Shienbaum has performed liposuction for more than 30 years in the Tampa Bay area on virtually every part of the body that accumulates fat – including the belly, male and female breasts, love handles, saddle bags, muffin tops, back rolls, belly pouches, buttocks, hips, upper arms, thighs, neck, knees, buttocks, calves, and ankles. Most procedures are performed on an outpatient basis. He has developed personal techniques which have proven highly effective in removing stubborn areas of unwanted fat while creating a slimmer sexier shapely silhouette.

35 y/o East Tampa Liposuction body contouring of entire torso.
How much does Liposuction cost in the Tampa area?
You can find Liposuction advertised for as little as $1000 dollars in the Brandon, Riverview, Tampa and Lakeland Florida areas. Some quotes are based on the number of areas suctioned while others are time of surgery related. Be sure you are really getting an experienced Plastic Surgeon, one who provides true aesthetic bodysculpting and shaping rather than just bulk removal of fat. Make certain your plastic surgeon has a practice dedicated to performing state of the art body contouring. Safety and quality should be your main concern – not cost.

24 y/o Brandon Liposuction with Brazilian Butt Lift fat transfer.
Are Liposuction results permanent?
The Internet offers an abundance of information and advice on liposuction, much of which is marketing hype or patient commentary. Sadly, little of the information available online comes from rigorous scientific studies evaluating results over the long term. In 2012 results of one such study, which appeared in the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, found that the fat removed during liposuction or tummy tuck surgeries does not re-grow, nor does it re-accumulate in the treated areas. Fat will not return or migrate if one avoids additional weight gain and maintains a healthy lifestyle.

32 y/o Bradenton Sarasota Liposuction with Vaser sculpting.
What’s the best type of Liposuction?
We hear a confusing array of terms including VASER Lipo, Smart Lipo, Laser Lipo, Cool Lipo, Aqua Lipo, etc. All of these are body contouring fat removal techniques available throughout the Tampa Bay, Brandon and Riverview areas. Many are simply a form of liposuction assisted by lasers, ultrasound, water, or mechanical power. Others are externally applied forms of laser, ultrasound, radio waves, water, cold, heat, vibration or massage. Some are injections of various chemical substances. All claim to be highly effective in reducing the fat accumulations of the body. But your result ultimately depends on the expertise and dedication of your chosen Plastic Surgeon.

25 y/o St Petersburg Liposuction with high definition sculpting and Breast Augmentation.
Can bad liposuction results be corrected?
Dr. Shienbaum continues to see many Tampa Bay patients unhappy with their liposuction and body contouring results. Some complain of uneven results and unsightly scars while others of persistence stretch marks and belly protuberance. Virtually all say they did not receive what they expected.
In many cases it is simply poor liposuction technique which produced uneven results. The persistence of stretch marks and tummy bulge is more a question of performing the wrong procedure. Sometimes it is a matter of poor patient selection and seeking unattainable goals.

36 y/o New Tampa Tummy Tuck revision with a Lipo Abdominoplasty procedure. Note the new sculpted waist, and recontoured thighs, hips and flanks. This patient now has the hourglass figure she originally desired.
Make certain your Liposuction surgeon has the experience and skills to accurately diagnose and successfully correct all your problem areas. No amount of Liposuction can remove stretch marks, tighten a distended belly smooth cellulite, lift sagging breasts or rejuvenate a flat and hanging derriere. For most patients there is little solitude in having the wrong operation – even if performed well.

30 y/o Plant City liposuction sculpture of waist flanks and thighs and Brazilian Butt Lift.
Liposuction or Tummy Tuck?
Liposuction can remove the excess fat and produce some accompanying skin shrinkage. However if the skin excess is large with poor elasticity it will not snap back. The result is an empty irregular hanging skin sack which often looks worse than before. Patients with thin stretched skin from aging, multiple pregnancies or massive weight loss are poor candidates for abdominal liposuction alone. The protruding belly caused by distended fascia or muscle separation can never be reversed by Liposuction alone.

32 y/o Wesley Chapel Liposuction with Brazilian Butt Lift and cellulite reduction using Brazilian Butt Lift fat transfer.
At Brandon Plastic Surgery Dr. Shienbaum regularly consults and offers second opinions and recommendations for many patients from throughout the Tampa Bay area. Many are dissatisfied with their abdominal liposuction results. Be certain your surgeon has the necessary qualifications and expertise to perform modern Tummy Tuck and Lipoabdominoplasty procedures when needed.

31 y/o South Tampa Liposuction with Brazialin Butt Lift

32 y/o West Tampa Liposuction with circumferential waist contouring.
Liposuction with a Tummy Tuck & Brazilian Butt Lift?
A simultaneous Lipo Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck and Brazilian Butt lift is one of Dr. Shienbaum’s most requested and popular Tampa Bay procedures. The abdominal fat removed during a Tummy Tuck is perfect for lifting a sagging derriere, enhancing a flat shapeless butt and restoring lost breast cleavage. The hourglass shape achieved by combining a tight waistline with a projecting “bubble“ butt in a single operation is truly amazing. Dr. Shienbaum’s expertise in combining these two highly complementary procedures allows him to achieve a remarkably feminine and distinctively sexy body contour.

30 y/o Tampa Lipo Abdominoplasty and Brazilian Butt Lift with waist contouring and cellulite effacement.
All too often this “essential” abdominal fat is discarded during a Liposuction or Tummy Tuck procedures. Once discarded the opportunity for its use in a variety of important body sculpting enhancements including Natural Breast Augmentation and Brazilian Butt Lift is forever lost.

28 y/o Valrico FL Liposuction with Brazilian Butt enhancement.
Is the Brazilian Butt Lift permanent and long lasting?
Before you invest your time and money two essential questions are “Does it feel natural?” and “Does it Last?” Will that instant round plump and gorgeous derriere disappear? It is accepted that while after the initial swelling some loss of fat occurs whatever remains after several weeks time is yours to keep.

24 y/o Apollo Beach Ruskin Liposuction with Brazilian Butt Lift.
Not only are the results of a Brazilian Butt Lift permanent but the feel is totally natural. Unlike silicone butt implants which may become hard or misshapen the enhanced buttock fat takes on a uniform and smooth look. Because it is your own fat there is little chance for any rejection.

38 y/o Tampa Bay Florida Liposuction of waist hips thighs.
For years Dr. Shienbaum has combined multiple body sculpting procedures using excess tummy fat to correct cellulite dimples, contour deformities and all forms of body asymmetries. This unwanted abdominal fat is a natural filler for the aging face treating hollow eyes, receding chins, empty temples and collapsed and sagging cheeks.

32 y/o Brandon Lipo Abdominoplasty and Brazilian Butt Lift for an enhanced hourglass body silhouette.
At Brandon Plastic Surgery Dr. Shienbaum continues, to utilize fat taken at the time of Lipo Abdominoplasty to totally restore and rejuvenate his many Tampa Florida patients. He considered the modern techniques for transfer and repositioning of fat as one of the greatest advancements in all of Plastic Surgery.

24 y/o East Tampa Liposuction and Brazilian Butt Enhancement
Liposuction and the Brazilian Butt Lift
Dr. Shienbaum prefers the appearance of a muscular or athletic butt, one which follows the contours and shape of underlying Gluteal musculature. This butt shape represents a slimmer more youthful, healthier and natural appearance. He feels that the current popularity of excessively round, overly wide and overstuffed butts as an unnatural appearance which will not stand the test of time. Moreover excessive butts look increasingly inappropriate and out of sorts with advancing age.

42 y/o Liposuction Tampa Bay of abdominal excess with Brazilain Butt Lift via fat transfer.

24 y/o East Tampa Liposuction and Brazilian Butt Enhancement.

31 y/o Lakeland Liposuction and Brazilian Butt Lift.
Dr. Shienbaum’s Brazilian Butt Lifts are contoured along the muscular lines to give a strikingly defined and natural appearance. A balanced and shapely derriere is essential in a tight dress and heels. He cautions that bigger is not always better.

24 y/o New Tampa Lipo of hips, inner and outer thighs, flanks and waist.
Buttock contouring can be achieved by careful liposuction and sculpting techniques. Fat is removed from the outer hip, waist, back and thigh regions. It is then refined and meticulously transferred to the buttock mounds to produce a more defined and shapely appearance. Areas of prior cellulite, dimples and other irregularities can be smoothed and rejuvenated.

31 y/o North Tampa Liposuction circumferential waist hips and thighs with selective fat enhancement and contouring of butt.
VASER Liposuction
VASER liposuction utilizes ultrasonic technology and is an advanced body sculpting technique used for many of Dr. Shienbaum’s Tampa, Riverview, Brandon and Lakeland patients. The ultrasonic frequency sound waves resonating from the VASER probes literally shake loose fat cells. What distinguishes the VASER from other procedures is its ability to melt fat while preserving the surrounding connective tissues, nerves, and blood vessels. Because it selectively liquefies unwanted body fat with precision. Dr. Shienbaum is able to achieve outstanding body contouring results.

30 y/o Clearwater Liposuction with sculpting of waist flanks thighs and hips.
The VASER system is especially effective in stubborn, hard-to-treat fibrous areas such as male breasts, flanks and back regions VASER ultrasonic liposuction results are permanent. The adult the body does not normally create new fat cells. Once existing deposits of fat cells are effectively removed, they can no longer enlarge out of proportion to the normal body contour. Remember the most important considerations regarding the outcome of your liposuction are the skill and expertise of your Plastic Surgeon.

28 y/o Palm Harbor Tampa Liposuction and Breast Augmentation.
Liposuction Swelling?
Dr. Shienbaum utilizes foam compression to minimize post liposuction swelling and edema. Any residual hardened or bruised areas can benefit from deep or lymphatic massage performed regularly.

51 y/o Orlando Lipo Abdominoplasty with high definition muscle contouring.
Remember that reshaping can continue for some time and the final result will not be apparent for four to six months. Make sure to continue wearing tight fitting non-binding garments until virtually all swelling, edema and any discolorations have resolved and disappeared.

42 y/o East Tampa Lip sculpture with Vaser ultrasonic technique.
High Definition Lip sculpture
Dr. Shienbaum uses specially designed instrumentation to carefully sculpt out the muscular outlines of the body. These contours are then meticulously etched into the overlying skin. In the hands of a skilled surgeon liposuction still remains the best option for the vast majority of Tampa Bay patients.
Liposculpture represents the absolute standard that all other body contouring procedures are to be judged against. This highly refined sculpting procedure is associated with dramatic results and high patient satisfaction.

26 y/o Tampa Bay Liposuction with high definition muscular sculpting of waist and flanks.
Dr. Shienbaum uses specially designed instrumentation to carefully sculpt out the muscular outlines of the body. These contours are then meticulously eched into the overlying skin. In the hands of a skilled surgeon liposuction still remains the best option for the vast majority of Tampa Bay patients.

23 y/o West Tampa Liposuction with sculpting of abdominal musculature.
Laser Liposuction?
Technologies in the Tampa Bay such as Smart Lipo and Slim Lipo utilize laser-tipped probes to thermally destroy fat cells through a process called thermal lipolysis. The lasers produce concentrated heat to destroy fat cells and cauterize adjacent blood vessels. The destroyed fat cannot be used for fat transfer or rejuvenation elsewhere. Traditionally, laser assisted liposuction has been reserved for only small areas of fat accumulations due to the potential for excess thermal damage and scarring to the surrounding connective tissues.

26 y/o Sarasota Lipo sculpture with muscle defining waist, flank and back contouring.
Liposuction Options?
For the removal of isolated pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise, there are numerous non-surgical devices in the Tampa Bay area which claim to permanently destroy fat to achieve their results. These devices use either cold or heat (usually in the form of ultrasound or radiofrequency) and are frequently coupled with some sort of direct mechanical force or vacuum.
However none of these devices can selectively sculpt and contour the body like liposuction can in the hands of a skilled and expert surgeon. Equally important is the need to save and preserve this fat for repositioning and rejuvenation elsewhere in the body.
Dr. Shienbaum considers fat his quintessential natural filler and sculpting tool – it should never be unnecessarily destroyed, discarded or wasted.

25 y/o Riverview liposuction with Brazilian Butt Lift.
A Shorter Liposuction Recovery?
Dr. Shienbaum allows his patients to resume their normal activities at their own pace. The majority are back to work in several days. Some residual soreness or tenderness is to be expected and is usually tolerable.

34 y/o New Tampa liposuction with body contouring.
Many of Dr. Shienbaum’s Tampa liposuction patients have utilized ultrasonic or deep tissue massage while others have preferred lymphatic drainage as a means to speed recovery.
The most important recommendation is to maintain wearing some form of compression garment until you have achieved your final result.

31 y/o Wesley Chapel Liposuction of waist hips flanks and thighs.
Compression garments after my liposuction?
Compression garments are needed following liposuction to accomplish several important goals:
- Reduce and prevent bruising
- Limit swelling and fluid accumulations
- Hasten absorption of edema
- Encourage shrinkage of loose skin
- Provide support and maintain posture

22 y/o Temple Terrace Lipo sculpture with Vaser ultrasonic technique.
The compression garment should provide uniform firm support and fit snugly without any buckling or banding which may cause skin creases and irregularities. For optimum effect the areas of compression and coverage should extend well beyond the limits of your liposuction.

22 y/o Land O Lakes Florida Liposuction with natural fat transfer Brazilian Butt Lift and Breast Augmentation.
Your garment should be worn continually until all traces of swelling and bruising are gone, typically 3 to 5 weeks. Thereafter many patients, prefer the more comfortable Spanx type garments.

28 y\o North Tampa Lipo sculpture with high definition of abdominal musculature.
How much weight can I loose from Liposuction?
Patients can typically loose no more than 3-7 lbs. from their liposuction. Remember that liposuction is designed as a body sculpting and contouring procedure, not a weight loss program. Most of Dr. Shienbaum’s liposuction patients from the Tampa, Lakeland, Riverview and Brandon areas have already maxed out their weight loss programs dietary and exercise regimens. Some have even attained their ideal weight but have remaining areas of stubborn fat which they want removed.

29 y/o East Tampa Liposuction of entire waistline with ultrasonic Vaser technique and Breast Augmentation.
Dr. Shienbaum has found modern liposuction contouring to be highly effective for his slim athletic patients who have pockets of exercise resistant fat. A surgeon with the experience and expertise to sculpt along body contours and define the underlying musculature is paramount to these patients. This sculpting ability is unique to the liposuction procedure.
For many individuals the results achieved by Liposuction can be the ultimate motivator toward a new lifestyle and the maintenance of their new look.

41 y/o Brandon Liposuction and Breast Augmentation.
Non-Surgical Fat Removal?
There are multiple devices for reducing and eliminating fat on the market. Most generate sufficient heat to destroy and literally burn away fat. Some work by employing ultrasonic waves (Ultra Shape Liposomes) while others use microwave radiofrequency (Vanquish). Coolsculpting takes a different approach and attempts to essentially freeze fat.
Lots of new devices appear on almost a daily basis with lots of media hype. Most require multiple sessions to see any discernible results. Many of these procedures show with some degrees of success, but none are as consistently effective or as liposuction. Always Insist on seeing pre and post photos of your surgeons actual results – not those supplied by the manufacturer. And ask to speak to former patients.

35 y/o Winter Haven Liposuction with ultrasonic Vaser technique.
Liposuction and Stretch Marks?
Regardless of the technique used stretch marks will not be removed by liposuction. In many cases it can be worsened. Skin shrinkage and tightening can show modest results in younger healthier skin. However do not expect tightening in tired inelastic skin from pregnancy, aging, or weight loss.
Skin must be inherently elastic to retract and laser liposuction and most light based dermatological therapy results remain unimpressive. When elasticity is lost, particularly in the abdomen significant skin shrinkage or stretch mark improvement may be promised but is seldom true.

33 y/o Riverview FL Liposuction with Vaser contouring and 371 cc Silicone Breast Enhancement.
Lose Weight Before Liposuction?
It is always better to lose weight on your own. Attaining your ideal weight naturally without dietary supplements or crash diets signifies a well-motivated individual less likely to regain that weight going forward.
If reaching your weight goals are not attainable at least try for a stable weight, one free of fluctuations and that can easily be maintained after surgery. Remember only you can make your Liposuction results last a lifetime.

47 y/o Tampa Liposuction with contouring of waist, flanks, back, thighs and hips.
Does Liposuction Last?
Dr. Shienbaum believes that liposuction changes your body shape permanently. Most men and women in the Tampa Bay area simply have fat in the wrong places. Once this fat is strategically repositioned it remains there. Modern Liposuction is a contouring and shaping tool not a weight loss instrument.

33 y/o Brandon Liposculpture with Vaser ultrasound of torso including waist, thighs, and flanks.
Liposuctioned fat cell are removed forever. However the remaining fat cells elsewhere in your body can still enlarge. To maintain your results do not overfeed those remaining fat cells. To enhance your results simply eat less and exercise more.

24 y/o St Petersburg, FL Liposuction with waist and flank contouring.
Liposuction and Natural Breast Augmentation
Liposuctioned fat has become the most striking body contouring advancement in all of Plastic Surgery. It has been widely accepted and utilized for post mastectomy breast reconstruction and is rapidly gaining favor for cosmetic breast augmentation.
Dr. Shienbaum frequently combines some form of breast lift or breast enhancement with fat obtained during a Liposuction and Tummy Tuck procedure. He considers fat his most desirable facial filler and the single most effective body contouring tool in his Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery practice.

29 y/o South Tampa Liposuction and 330 cc silicone Breast Augmentation. Ultrasonic Vaser technique enabled detailed sculpting of waistline.
While natural fat breast augmentation cannot currently achieve the degree of cleavage and projection of silicone implants is remarkably good at creating a soft and natural enhanced breast fullness.

23 y/o New Tampa Natural Breast Augmentation with Lipo Abdominoplasty.
Liposuction and Cellulite
The tufting type fibrous bands causing cellulite irregularities have been resistant to any form of treatments. Body wraps message and other remedies at best only temporarily mask the appearance.
By carefully releasing the most prominent bands and then lipo contouring with fat grafting at Brandon Plastic Surgery Dr. Shienbaum is able to smooth and refine many areas of dimpling and depressions of both the buttocks and upper thighs.

22 y/o Tampa Liposuction with smoothing of buttock cellulite.