Tummy Tuck and Pregnancy
Dr. Shienbaum – Treating Tampa Tummy Tuck Patients
Long after pregnancy is over, many women remark that they are still carrying around their “beach ball.” What they are referring to is a visible bulge in their abdominal area, which cannot be corrected by following a healthy diet and exercising consistently. This is the result of the abdominal contents protruding through connective tissue (fascia) in the abdominal wall and separated abdominal musculature.
Although exercise can strengthen the abdominal muscles, any separation (diastases) of the stomach muscles cannot be corrected with exercise and will persist. Fortunately, abdominoplasty, or “tummy tuck” surgery, corrects this muscle separation by tightening the affected musculature and fascia. However, if the fullness in the upper abdomen is too severe, the aesthetic results of tummy tuck surgery may be limited, because Dr. Shienbaum may not be able to pull the abdominal tissues taut in this case.
“Beach Ball” vs. “Beer Belly”
Men with an abdominal bulge often refer to it as a “beer belly.” This type of abdominal bulge is caused by an excessively fatty gut that forces the abdomen forward and outward by sheer pressure.
This type of abdominal distension cannot be surgically removed or eliminated with liposuction because it is embedded too deeply within the abdomen.
Men with a “beer belly” often have little superficial fat or external skin. In other words, there is nothing to be surgically removed and therefore tummy tuck is not a suitable option; diet is the only way to improve the aesthetic effect in these cases.
27 y/o Brandon Tummy Tuck for post partum abdominal protrusion , striae and “Muffin Top” waist rolls
26 y/o New Tampa Tummy Tuck with “ beach ball” abdomen and belly button distension following multiple pregnancies
29 y/o South Tampa Lipo Abdominoplasty with removal of Cesarean Scar abdominal pouch
52 y/o Lakeland Tummy Tuck for abdominal distension , loose overhanging skin skin and prominent stria
27 y/o East Tampa Mini Tummy Tuck for abdominal wall protrusion following childbearing
25 y/o Riverview Mini Abdominoplasty Belly Tuck for post partum abdominal “beach ball” protuberance
33 y/o South Brandon Abdominoplasty for severe post partum stretch marks and cesarean scar
44 y/o Tampa Tummy Tuck for extensive stretch marks and scarring following multiple Cesarean pregnancies
52 y/o West Tampa Tummy Tuck & Liposuction for extensive post surgical abdominal wall irregularities
47 y/o East Tampa Tummy Tuck with extensive Lipo suction and waist tightening
35 y/o New Tampa Tummy Tuck Lipo Abdominoplasty with striae removal and belly tuck
30 y/o South Tampa Tummy Tuck with repair of indented cesaren section scar and navel reconstruction
30 y/o North Tampa Tummy Tuck for Cesarean scars , loose abdominal tissues , protuberant belly and fat rolls
27 y/o New Tampa Tummy Tuck and navel rejuvenation for surgical scars and umbilical prolapse
31 y/o South Tampa Lipo Abdominoplasty Belly Tuck for multiple pregnancies abdominal protrusion and stretch marks
41 y/o Lakeland Tummy Tuck and Liposuction for excess abdominal looseness and stretch marks
39 y/o Tampa Abdominoplaty with extensive tightening of the abdominal wall – Belly Tuck
64 y/o North Tampa Tummy Tuck with protuberant “ Beach Ball “ belly deformity and scarred umbilicus