Later Life Breast Enhancement Options


Weight gain or loss, breast feeding, pregnancy, genetics, and age can all affect a women’s body; especially their breast. It can sometimes cause breast to droop, sag, or loose volume. A women can feel depressed, unattractive, and older quite possibly even affect the clothes she might wear. Dr. Shienbaum of Brandon Plastic Surgery offers several different Breast procedures with minimal down time and exceptional results.

 Natural Fat Transfer Breast Enlargement

Not all women require implants to give them the desired look they would like, Dr. Shienbaum utilizes a state of the art technique called fat transfer. Patients have the option to use their own fat cells to give the desired extra breast volume instead of an implant. Fat transfer can be used to augment the breast by Liposuction of fat from a desired area Dr. Shienbaum and you decide on. Many patients report having “pre pregnancy” breast fullness. Although he cannot guarantee that outcome he can always try to help you achieve it.

 Breast Lift

Many women have drooping, saggy breast due to aging or life events (pregnancy, sports, unsupportive bras). Dr. Shienbaum will consult with you the benefit of having a Breast Lift or Mastopexy if your breast sag significantly. There are many different ways to perform a Breast Lift, with minimal scarring. When you consult with Dr. Shienbaum he will discuss the types of incision he would prefer to enhance your “deflated” appearance.

 Breast Lift with Implants

Patients often inquire about implants with a Breast Lift to give them extra volume. Dr. Shienbaum will go over every aspect of how he can meticulous give you your desired aesthetic look. Other questions patients have is “If I just get Breast Implants, it will fix my drooping and sagging breast”. As great as that may sound, it cannot be done with everyone. If you look at your nipples and they point down, if you were to place implants within the breast, your nipples would still point down, therefore requiring a simple Breast Lift to accompany the procedure.

Breast enhancements have always been a desired top procedure at Brandon Plastic Surgery. The pros to a Breast Lift is restoring your youthful and perky feel to your now aging breasts. With Fat Transfer/re-injection it is your own tissue, and if a lift is needed the scarring is very minimal.

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