Athletes and Breast Implants

Plastic Surgery and SportsWith all the rumors of Rio Olympics Australian hurdler, Michelle Jenneke and Breast Implants– Did she or didn’t have cosmetic surgery to improve her “bosom”?

That answer is for Ms. Michelle to disclose to the public, but regarding her being so athletic and to possibly have breast implants? Is it even recommended?

Some athletic women may consider whether special considerations come into play given their rigorous activities or training. Jenneke is a great example to all physically active females considering a Breast Enhancement. Women who work out desire the volume of having nice Breasts but hesitate due to their lifestyle. With the variety of Breast Implants on the FDA approved list there are many to fit the diversity of each women’s body type. Believe it or not, Breasts do NOT all look the same. Each implant has different styles, there are some with more projection appearance, while some are broader at the base. Your choice of surgeon has a lot to go into play with your Breast Implant placement, scar, and recovery. It is always best to do some homework and choose a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.

Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Shienbaum of Brandon Plastic Surgery states, “When discussing with a female athlete her choice of implant, size and placement, all definitely matter!” Given the type of physical activity they do, you wouldn’t want to go too big or too wide and hinder their performance. It is a huge consideration whether to place the implant above or below the pectoralis muscle. Being thin and active, implant placement below the muscle might benefit you better to reduce seeing rippling or edging of the implant.

The scar is usually the next big question for active women. Most women want their scars hidden and unseen to the naked eye. While a surgeon can’t completely eliminate a scar, they can minimize the visibility and hide the placement of the scar. There are many different options to scar placement, discuss with your surgeon the best fit for you and your lifestyle.

Lastly, recovery is also a HUGE part of a Breast Augmentation. As an athlete, you MUST discuss your basic training schedule. Your surgeon can estimate how long you may need to discontinue your training or possibly train lighter. Give realistic consideration to whether you are okay with taking a week or two off, sometimes longer. If you are a body builder it could be months before your surgeon recommends you lift weights in fear it could interfere with the healing of your implant placement.

Being athletic is about working out and feeling good, and if that considers implants, go for it!

The Latest Breast Implant Trend

breast-implantsWith new fashions trends society is always changing to keep up with the latest and greatest! For plastic surgery, this can be true as well. With all the new hype over butt, boobs, and tummies. Things are constantly changing on sizes, shapes, and what the patient most desires. Breast implants over the past twenty years have had an impact with the newest trends as well, as far as sizes!

Dr. Shienbaum’s patients from some years ago were known for fitting in with culture of the time as “Go BIG or go home”. It was very popular in the 80’s to have large prized breast, and some women still desire that look, but as time has changed and things have evolved over the years, new trends are taking effect. Many patients are now coming back for a more “natural” appearance. A patient of Dr. Shienbaum shares, “When I first got my implants, I wanted to conform with the latest trends, but now with age I just want to be natural and feel myself again.” Many women are noted downsizing or completely removing their implants with plastic surgeons in the 20th century. Dr. Shienbaum’s patient is part of the growing trend of women opting for a breast explant surgery. In recent magazines, they noted the red carpets have been lacking some cleavage over the past couple of years.

More plastic surgeons reported performing Breast Explant or exchanges than ever. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery started tracking the procedures just last year recording more than 38,000 procedures. Most patients replace their current implants with smaller while some prefer to have them taken out altogether. The majority of these patients have had their implants for decades.

If your deciding on any type of surgery Dr. Shienbaum highly recommends you thoroughly think about your decision to make sure it is right one for you and your body no matter the trend currently. Always discuss with your plastic surgeon any questions or concerns you may have about any and all procedures you are inquiring.


Dr. Shienbaum is a double board-certified plastic surgeon with over 30 years of experience in all forms of Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, including Tummy Tucks, LiposuctionBreast Augmentation, Brazilian Butt Lifts, and Mommy Makeovers. He provides services for the entire Tampa Bay area, including Brandon, St. Pete, Clearwater, and Tampa, Florida. To find out more about the procedures near you, please visit

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Breast Implant Choices and Differences

breast-augmentationSaline Breast Implants
Saline Breast Implants are filled with sterile salt water or “saline”. Saline implants have the highest rate of rupturing. If the shell of the implant should leak the whole implant will collapse. Saline is considered the safest option due to your body absorbing the saline if it ruptures or leaks. Saline implants are FDA approved for women ages 18 and up.

Silicone Breast Implants
Silicone Breast Implants are filled with silicone gel. The gel tends to feel more natural as normal breast tissue would. If rupture was to happen or the implant shell was to leak, the silicone gel would remain within the implant or may escape into the breast implant pocket. (The space your surgeon makes to encase your implants). If silicone is your desired implant, it is recommended to follow up regularly with your Plastic Surgeon to make sure the implants are functioning correctly. These implants are FDA approved for women ages 22 and up.

Gummy Bear Implants
Gummy Bear Implants or “form-stable” implants are firmer than silicone and saline. They are a littler thicker and are less likely to break or rupture. They are tapered at the top and more projection at the bottom. One downfall is if the implant was to rotate, it could lead to unusual appearance of the breast.

Round Breast Implants
Round Breast Implants appear fuller than the Gummy Bear Implants. High profile round breast implants are an ideal choice if you want them to have more projection. Due to them being round all over there is less of a concern about them rotating out of place.

Smooth Breast Implants
Smooth Breast Implants are the softest feeling, they have the most natural movement because they are able to move with the breast implant pocket. The downfall is they have more palpable or visible rippling.

Textured Breast Implants
Textured Breast Implants are harder because scar tissue forms around and sticks to the implant. They are less likely to move around inside of the breast and get repositioned. It does however reduce the likeliness of developing a tight scar capsule.
After deciding on the perfect implant for you with your Plastic Surgeon, it is always important to follow-up with the PS to have appropriate check-ups.

Dr. Shienbaum is a double board-certified plastic surgeon with over 30 years of experience in all forms of Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, including Tummy Tucks, Liposuction, Breast Augmentation, Brazilian Butt Lifts, and Mommy Makeovers. He provides services for the entire Tampa Bay area, including Brandon, St. Pete, Bradenton, Clearwater, Sarasota, and Tampa, Florida.

Deciding on a Breast Augmentation?




Size matters…

Double Board Certified St. Pete Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Shienbaum says one of the most common reasons women have a breast revision surgery is to change size. He offers his advice by spending your time and selecting the right size the first time around can save you revision surgery costs and avoid recovery time. Dr. Shienbaum explains, “We have to pick an implant that fits their breast.” Dr. Shienbaum has performed thousands of Breast surgeries throughout the Clearwater area and with through implant size selection makes the difference between an okay breast augmentation and a great breast augmentation.

Double check…

Upon a Breast Consultation with Dr. Shienbaum the first step is measuring the patient’s chest. Determining their chest measurements establish what diameter and type of implant would give the patient the most desired results they are seeking.  When he measures your breast, he is including the base width of the breast and the nipple to fold distance. Based upon the dimensions he is able to give his patients an idea of what size implants he would recommend for their body. Upon selection of an implant size, he looks at the bony or skeletal structure of his patient to determine if is a proportionate size. He explains that as the patient may gain or loss weight, their bony structure will always remain the same.

Bra sizers…

Have you ever stuffed your bra? Tissue paper was a little girl’s best friend back in her younger years! Every girl wonders what will I look like with bigger boobs. No worries, Dr. Shienbaum offers real life implant sizers for a realistic experience of weight, projection, and appearance for women seeking Breast Augmentation. When you try on your implant sizers, he encourages you to bring some of your favorite shirts to visualize your expected outcome. While trying the implant sizers on, if you are athletic, take note of the new weight added to your body. Are you ok with the way they accent your physique and are they proportionate for you? These are some things Dr. Shienbaum reassures you and ensures will help you choose the right size. He prefers you to try the sizers and see for yourself versus a 3-D virtual experience that some other Tampa surgeons prefer. Although of course the decision is ultimately up to you, he is there to give you his honest opinion in helping you choose the right size!

If you’re in search in the Tampa area for a Breast Augmentation and would like to meet with Dr. Shienbaum of Brandon Plastic Surgery, give us a call at (813) 681-5709. Brandon Plastic Surgery offers free initial consultations!

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